Probably everyone who has some free money contemplates investing into a flat from time to time. When deciding, the possibility of interesting revenue from rental, increase in investment value over time and the relative safety of such investments are on the one side. On the other side, however, there are worries with the selection of the right property and with a purchase itself, and mainly with getting an upright lessee. Even if all of these is arranged, it is necessary to provide statement of services, address repairs and other issues. In today’s hectic world, not everyone can afford this.
How can we help?
We will select a suitable location and flat
We know that the selection of an investment real estate is not easy and risk-free. All experts of this field agree that the location plays first violin when choosing a real estate. For the investment real estate, this is doubly true as it could be difficult to get an upright and regularly paying lessee in the case of bad selection of location.
We will check the investment flat
We will let your investment real estate to check thoroughly in order to no unpleasant surprises wait for you after you have been registered as an owner of the property in the Land Registry. The specialized lawyers know where any complications may occur. Likewise, after a thorough inspection of the property, the experts in constructions will draw up a report, from which it is clear whether there are any technical deficiencies in the property, alternatively what they are.
We will arrange the transaction
In order to everything goes smoothly, all contractual documentation related to the purchase of the investment flat is checked by a lawyer or he/she will prepare new contracts. We will provide notarial or lawyer custody to minimize risks of money transfer. If you want, we will act on your behalf in all of negotiations related to the transaction.
We will negotiate terms and conditions
We know the real estate market and we know levels of prices at which a real estate is actually purchased. Our dealers have extensive experience in negotiating and know what bluffs real estate agents use in the sale. Therefore, you will have a partner on your side who can walk in the jungle of the Czech real estate market.
We will manage your property
If you want to save time and worries, which come along with the rental, we will be pleased to help you even in this field. Thanks to many years of experience in real estate management, we are achieving better results and maintaining nearly full occupancy of the investment flat. Therefore, our reward is determined by a percentage of net rental, so you are guaranteed that we will manage your investment as our own one.